Pelayo Peñarroya

Visiting PhD Student


Pelayo Peñarroya was born in Asturias, a region on the north cost of Spain, in 1993. He obtained his BSc and MSc on Aerospace Engineering at the University of León and TU Delft, respectively. As part of his MSc, he completed his internship at OHB System AG Bremen in the Mission Analysis and Flight Dynamics team. There, he had the opportunity to work on his MSc Thesis ”Investigation of Convex Residual Penalty Functions for Orbit Determination”. After his MSc defence, he started working as a member of the team in Bremen, where he spent two years. Now, Pelayo is a part of the STARDUST-R project in the Mission Analysis and Navigation team at Deimos Space, where he will be researching on ”Intelligent Navigation and Control System for Minor Celestial Body Descent and Ascent”, with the objective of investigating innovative adaptive systems for autonomous landing in harsh environments and developing the descent control and navigation systems required.


M.Sc. in Space Engineering - Space Exploration at TU DelftB.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering at Universidad de León

Research Lines

GNCLandingSmall Celestial Bodies

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