Deep-space Astrodynamics Research & Technology Group
Discover the projects in which our group is involved.
Engineering Extremely Rare Events in Astrodynamics
A 6U CubeSat visiting the Didymos system with Hera and Juventas.
Named after Andrea Milani (1948-2018)
LUMIO (Lunar Meteoroid Impacts Observer) is a CubeSat mission to a halo orbit at Earth–Moon L2 that shall observe, quantify, and characterise meteoroid impacts on the Lunar farside.
The DART Group is involved in many other project. Check out the dedicated page to discover all the activities.
The DART team is commited to research in the space engineering field. Our research interests involve autonomous navigation, guidance and control for deep-space CubeSats and satellites. Moreover, we are interested in interplanetary CubeSat missions with partners and institutions.
The group is made up by one Full Professor, three PostDoc researchers, five Research Fellows, eight PhD Students and is enriched by a number of international visiting PhD and external collaborators.
DISCOVER MORELatest Publications
Convex Trajectory Optimization Using Thrust Regularization
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Target-Based Guidance Method for Trajectories with Multiple Flybys
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The effect of a rocky terrain for CubeSat landing on asteroid surfaces
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