Mattia Pugliatti

PhD Student and ESR of Stardust-R


I have obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace engineering at Politecnico di Milano and my Master of Science degree in Space engineering at TU Delft. During the master studies I have performed a 5 months internship at the Future Programs department at Airbus Defense and Space in Friedrichshafen, working on mission design of low-cost asteroid impactor demonstration mission. My master’s thesis was focused on the Extended Tisserand-Poincaré graph for trajectory design in multi-body systems as a visiting student of the Kawakatsu laboratory in ISAS/JAXA for 9 months. During this visiting period, I have also worked on the trajectory design of EQUULEUS and DESTINY missions. After the studies I have worked for 1 year at GMV in Madrid, where I took part in the GNC development tasks of the HERA mission (Phase B1). From fall 2019 I am a Stardust-R Early Stage Researcher and PhD student at Politecnico di Milano.


M.Sc. in Space Engineering at TU DelftB.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano

Research Lines

Small-bodies exploration and exploitation with CubeSatsAutonomous OpNav techniques enhanced by Artificial IntelligenceAutonomous GNC system for interplanetary missionsMachine Learning

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