author = {Topputo, F. and Ferrari, F. and Franzese, V. and Pugliatti, M. and Giordano, C. and Rizza, A. and Bottiglieri, C. and Piccolo, F. and Calvi, D. and Ammirante, G. and Stesina, F. and Esposito, A. and Corpino, S. and Sterpone, L. and Azimi, S. and Visconti, P. and Diaz de Cerio Goenaga, R. and Corradino, F. and Santoni, A. and Cardi, M. and Kohout, T. and Kaspárek, T. and Palomba, E. and Dirri, F. and Longobardo, A. and Perez-Lissi, F. and Martino, P. and Carnelli, I.},
title = {The Hera Milani Cubesat Mission},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference (PDC 2021)},
url = {https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairwesteuprod/production-atpi-public/039b6e5c55bb428ba3b97ebb53d357d9},
pages = {1--2}