author = {Speretta, Stefano and Topputo, Francesco and Biggs, James and Di Lizia, Pierluigi and Massari, Mauro and Mani, Karthik and Dei Tos, Diogene and Ceccherini, Simone and Franzese, Vittorio and Cervone, Angelo and Sundaramoorthy, Prem and Noomen, Ron and Mestry, Samiksha and Cipriano, Ana do Carmo and Ivanov, Anton and Labate, Demetrio and Tommasi, Leonardo and Jochemsen, Arnoud and Gailis, J and Furfaro, Roberto and Reddy, Vishnu and Vennekens, Johan and Walker, Roger},
title = {LUMIO: achieving autonomous operations for Lunar exploration with a CubeSat},
year = {2018},
publisher = {American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
booktitle = {SpaceOps 2018 Conference and Exhibition},
doi = {10.2514/6.2018-2599},
isbn = {978-1-62410-562-3},
pages = {1--11}